Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Exploring The Issue

The problem is that loggers and farmers are cutting down the Amazon Rainforest. Not only is it one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, it is also responsible for 20% of the earth's oxygen.

Why is it being logged?
Loggers are making roads to get to remote forested areas. Squatters and poor farmers take the roads into the forest, where they clear the land for farms and cattle ranches. Most of the logging that takes place is illegal.
Where is it being logged?
The most land is being cleared in the south and south eastern jungle. This is all in the amazon basin in northern Brazil.
How much is gone already?
Almost 20 % of the rainforest had been cleared already. Scientists believe that 20% more will be cleared within 20 years.

1 comment:

Sarah K said...

Wow - 40% of our rainforests will be gone in 20 years? That is quite scary. What do you think the consequences will be?